IV. 1960s - 1970s (2/13)
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Bringing the South African experience to the U.S. (exporting gold, diamonds, and epidemiologists) – Sidney and Emily Kark, John Cassel, Cecil Slome, Guy Steuart, Harry Phillips, Eva Salber
- Up one level
- Required: Anthropology and epidemiology in the twentieth century: a selective history of collaborative projects and theoretical affinities, 1920 to 1970
By James Trostle. Chapter 3 in Anthropology and Epidemiology (pp. 59-96). This book is on 24-hour checkout reserve at the Health Sciences Library.
- (Required) Michel A. Ibrahim et al. The legacy of John C. Cassel. Am J Epidemiol 1980 (July);112(1):1-7.
(Was also assigned in module I)
- Sidney Kark and John Cassel. Social Medicine Pioneers and South African Emigrés.Theodore M. Brown and Elizabeth Fee. Am J Public Health. 2002 November; 92(11): 1744–1745.
- John Cassel biography
From Gillian Wolfe
- Color photos from the segregation era
In 1956, photographer Gordon Parks was hired by Life Magazine to follow and document the everyday life of a southern Black family. Twenty of these photos were published in Life’s September issue that year with an article titled “The Restraints: Open and Hidden.”
- Heckler Report cover
- BillJenkins20170213.pptx
- The Delta Health Center, Mound Bayou, Mississippi
- NPR: Growing Up 'White,' Transracial Adoptee Learned To Be Black
"I would hold up some outfit and say, 'Hey, Mom, could I get this?' And she'd be like, 'No!' Which let everybody within earshot know that I was with a white lady, and then suddenly, that privilege came back over me."
- Audio File: JohnHatchOnHisRecruitmentToUNCandJohnCasselVisitToMoundBayou.mp3
5 minutes. John Hatch describes his recruitment to UNC and John Cassel's visit to Mound Bayou.
Excerpted from Vic Schoenbach interview with John W. Hatch, 6 Jan 2012. Extract prepared 2/4/2014
- Morbidity/Mortality Gap: Is It Race or Racism?
1991 American College of Epidemiology meeting
- Tuskegee Study
- ABC News 20/20 Lobbying for Lives
ABC NEWS 20/20 CRAP: AIDS Gets Too Much Money
Lobbying for Lives
Monday, Oct. 11, 1999 (unedited, uncorrected transcript.)
- The Research Paper Guidelines.doc
- Basics of Epidemiology.pptx